Monday, September 29, 2008

Knitsy is a Good Elf!

Knitsy the house elf in Ravenclaw Tower is keeping my on my toes. I feel terrible when I leave the dorm a mess and I come back and everything is in its place. But I have to admit I wish she wouldn't put my natural dye materials with my potions equipment. Why, this morning I accidentally added powdered logwood to the potion I was working on in class and it turned the lovelieset dusty purple. It was really a beautiful color. But Professor Snape wasn't impressed at all...


SinKnitty said...

Perhaps if you dyed some yarn and made him some socks with that potion he'll give you extra credit... But Snape really isn't much for giving extra credit unless you are a Slytherin.

Anonymous said...

LOL I've not had those problems, but I'm not a spinner/dyer yet, either, so maybe I'll eventually come across that situation myself. I've not had issues with finding things after she's tidied our dorm, but then I tend to pick up pretty well after myself anyway. Maybe next time to impress Prof. Snape, you should make it a black instead. I think he'd prefer black to purple... ;)

Ellen said...

Logwood, eh? I'd like to see some photos of that! Maybe you could use it to dye something for Professor Sprout.