Friday, September 12, 2008

House Elf

We've been asked to post a suggestion for a name for Ravenclaw's new House Elf. Hm... I'm not good with names. When I was young we had a cat named Cat. Cat passed and we got a new super sized cat that we called Big Cat. Then we got a new little cat so we called him Little Cat. Then one of Cat's progeny came to live with us and we named him Little Big Cat. We did break the mold when we got a girl kitty and called her Catti. I loved cats when I was young and still do. here are two of mine, Black Magic Cat and little Masuku.
I'm not sure I have a good suggestion for a house elf name.
We've lost a lot of Emmas this term. Would it be confusing to Emma Wigworthy to call the house elf Emma? Yeah, probably.


Cassandra ZeHorrid said...

Emma is a pretty name... It's my name in the muggle world ;)

YogaKnot said...

I like your cats, they are so cute!
-minerva wood-

Ellen said...

The first house I purchased came with a "Barn Cat" who immediately went into heat and promptly became pregnant. After that, we made her a "House Cat" and, as she became larger and larger, named her Whoa-Fat. She was like a large black throw pillow on the couch by the time the kittens were born!