Friday, January 30, 2009

Last Weekend Before the Term Starts

Well, I'm finished packing up to move into a new House at Hogwarts. The cats are anxious to go! It will be so nice to see my roommates! Violette moved away a while ago so I haven't seen her in too long. Same with Elanor. We don't live so far apart, only a four hour drive, but we are both busy over the hols that we don't connect. I have my books, my robes, plenty of yarn and needles and several pounds of wool to dye. I am quite looking foward to the new term, and can't wait to find out who my spoilee will be. Sign ups end in only a few hours. We were told that assignments would be made by the end of the weekend, but now we're told that the staff wants to take extra time to be match each spoilee/spoiler perfectly. I'll force myself to wait.

I am determined to excel in Charms after my recent poor showing.

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